Sunday 23 December 2007

So Near To X-Mas

So here it is, my monthly post. Only two more days til Christmas. I've done all the christmas shopping I can do. Have bought gifts for my family and Megan with the little money I have. Have yet to buy more but they will have to wait til after Christmas.

Life has been ok with the exception of missing a job. Have had a tummy virus though for the past week or so and this is the 3rd time I've had it in the space of about 4 weeks. Hopefully I've gotten rid of it for good! Or at least until after Christmas. New Years is still a way off yet and I have no plans for it at the moment.

I still live with Jonny and everything I need is now upstairs where it was supposed to be from the start. The living room has been cleaned out and moved around to accomodate all the Christmas features and is still being cleaned.

Me in myself emotionally... is another story.

Mood swings are somewhat biting me in the ass and I'm getting incredibly fed up of them but I'm a woman and there's nothing I can do about it. Taking "happy pills" or anti depressants and such are for drastic measures and for people who can't handle how they feel or act. I like to think I can handle it but I know I'm just another slave to the uncontrolable emotions just as the next woman. Thus brings the downfall of life and all that it stands for.

Parents are getting better. They don't get hold of me so much to check up on me. I think they're getting used to the fact that I want to do things on my own, even if I did start off on the wrong foot and down the wrong path. I'm still getting there and there's still time to get back on track with things. Granted I have no job and have been putting all my Job Seekers allowance into paying off my debt. Which may I add, I'm getting there! I absolutely must get a job after New Years irrespective of what it is. I need the money for more than just debts but so I can do all the things I want to do. That does not just mean going out every night and drinking. Once in a while I would like to go out with friends on a day trip to theme park or Zoo or even down the river. Infact, one thing I'd like to save up for is a car! I miss driving more than I do having the ability to go where I want.

I guess I feel a little bit dull in myself. Not much variety in my day to day life which working at a nursery seemed to fulfill more than fully. I miss working with kids, the randomness they give and the unexpected activities of each day. However I haven't done the work I was supposed to and I can't do it either. Everytime I bloody try my head goes skitz and over thinks everything making it even more complicated for me. Not many people believe me to be able to do this but I do.

Me and Jonny are ok. Sometimes I don't understand his logic and I can't be bothered to go through the hassle of asking and him trying to explain it in supposedly simplistic terms. So simple that I still cannot understand. So I don't ask.

Other than that, there's not much here, whether it be in my head, my life or any part of me. Enjoy.

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