Thursday 7 February 2008

It Just Wasn't To Last

After all thats been said and done, it's finally come to an end.

He ended it.

What else am I to do? I can only hope and pray that maybe one day we'll be together again. He still wants to be friends and if he falls in love again with me, he'll try to get with me again.

What's the use.
He'll probably find another girl before he even thinks of me again.
My heart is shattered.
My head is all over the place.
My body is weak all over and has lost the will to do anything anymore.
I have cried so many tears that my eyes hurt yet there are still more to cry.

Am I ok?

Answer one:
I'm ok, I don't really have a choice so yes I'm ok.

Answer two:
I guess so.

Answer Three:
I'm not ok, I'm dying inside and my dreams have abandoned me.

I'd go for three.

I don't know. At first it was the most painful experience of my life.


I'm going through that damned phase!! At first you care, it hurts and you cry. Next, you're fine, can see why its happening and don't really care what happens next. Thats where I am now, but after that, It's complete misery!!!!!!

I keep wanting to cry. But I hold it back.

One day someone will make me feel like the most important person in the world . . .

That day will come when I end up in hospital.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just think back to the first time you fell in love and how you felt you'd never get over him. How you thought you'd never move on.

but you did. you met someone and pretty soon you'll meet someone again and you'll start a fresh. taking with you everything you learned here. ;-)