Saturday 31 May 2008

Worry Worry Worry

There's always going to be something, somewhere or someone, designed in life to disrupt everything in your routine.

Ok, I done a tarot reading few nights ago. My future apparently holds misery and desolation. The last card said end of a relationship, seperation, heartbreak and tears.

The last time that card came up, it ended 2 weeks after. Twice that happened!! So naturally, saw that card and panicked! Thing is, I'd been worrying for the whole of that day so I'm hoping it just picked up on my fears.

Then last night at work, an alternative styled guy and his parents and family turned up at the plough for a birthday night. I caught his attention. No idea how nor why!! All night he didn't take his eyes off me and even sung songs to try to impress me as he's the singer in a band. He wasn't too bad but wasn't great either. I really wanted to get up there and sing just to show him how it's done but Tom didn't call me up. He was talking to one of the regulars about me and he gave me so many blessings. Said how amazing I am. So this guy became even more infactuated with me. He stayed til the end of the night when it was just him and Gee sat at the bar while I was cleaning and closing up. He got my number off someone. And then finally left when Tom kicked him out.

I haven't heard from Troy (the guy) yet. Tis a good thing! Hopefully he was too drunk to remember! I won't say no to more friends but no one gets any more than that. I'm sticking with Rob. Oh and onto what I was worrying about with Rob...

I don't want to put my faith in someone who doesn't want the same as me in life.
To be married and have a family.
I did ask him earlier on in the relationship and he said he didn't know but then he'd never met anyone like me! So he's still open to it. But I just fear that the more I stay with him, the deeper I fall for him and if it turns out he doesn't want the same then it's only going to hurt me more. I don't want to make the same mistake as my dad. Got married then find out they dont want children. It would be so hard for me. Especially now as I'm hoping to settle down. I just need to know if its what he wants or not. If he doesn't want it, then I've got no choice but to leave. I really don't want to leave though. Everyone likes him, and if I leave him, whoever I go with next will be compared to him. But thats not the dilemma right now.

Anyway, I'm on another split shift today. Fuck sake. God its going to kill me but I will be so loaded! Hopefully. Aha!! Anyway I need to go get ready.

Friday 23 May 2008

I Hate All You Preachy MotherFuckers!!

Especially Jehovah's Witnesses.

God they do my head in.

You know, I have respect for religion. At school I was quite intrigued by the Jews and their laws and whatnot. Same as Budhism and Islaam. Couldn't stand the Muslims though.

Anyway, yes I respect your views and beliefs. Yes by all means do as you see fit which complies with your rules. BUT DO NOT I repeat DO NOT preach your crap to me expecting me to bow down to it!! I HATE being told what to do by someone who is NOT in the position nor have the RIGHT to tell me what to do with my life!!

He is YOUR God.
They are YOUR beliefs.
YOU burn in hell!!

I ESPECIALLY hate those fuckers in America who use emotional blackmail or some other form of abuse or kidnapping, just to get people to convert to their side!! YOU PEOPLE MAKE ME WANT TO GO ON A KILLING SPREE!!!

And here's the latest PISS OFF.

Holy fuck.
Biggest clash of religions and human rights or what!

Ok, my whole family as had some experience in this. An aunt of mine had one when she was younger due to rape. My cousin tried to terminate it HERSELF by having a hot bath and drinking and taking meds. She ended up in hospital in ICU because she was too afraid of "failing" her family. She's alright now. My mum had one, there's supposed to be a third between me and my brother but due to health complications it had to be terminated else my mum would've died.

None of them really wanted to but HAD to.

Then there's me. It's a long story as to how and why. I won't go into it on here. If you really want to know, you can ask me yourself. I'm quite comfortable talking about it.

Anyway, those who know my past and what I'm like, know that it just takes two words to really break me down into small little pieces which then unleashes some mad blood-lusting maniac.

A Jehovah's Witness came to call. No one was home but me so I answered (unaware of who it was!). First thing she talks to me about is abortion and how it was murder for the young foetuses who can still feel pain. I didn't actually hear anymore. My face had filled with angry blood and I slammed the door and collapsed on the floor infront of my dragons.

And I cried.

For a whole hour. Non stop. And I had no one to hold, no one to tell, no one. Jess was at work. Jamie is working. And I didn't want to bother Rob about it. To be honest I'm not sure if he knows or not. I'm hoping he knows how lucky he is that she is at least still alive.

Anyway, after my breakdown, I went out in the garden and used my sai's, my normal stress relief and then I turned to my dragons for some cuddles. And they did, they sat with me for half hour without moving. Then I fed them some crickets as a "thank you".

My message to anyone else who wants to preach to me:
Fuck off.
I'm not interested.
I have my own beliefs. I have my own views.
Save it for someone who cares.
This bitch has her own mind made up.


Hush my child, don't you cry
You want to go where Angels fly
Hush my darling, stop those tears
I'm here to scare away your fears

Be quiet my child and go to sleep
Try to stay in the world of dreams
Be quiet my darling I'm here with you
Even if daddy never wanted to

Lay still my child and close your eyes
In the dark will dance your fairy lights
Lay still my darling and dream of a place
Like those in fairy tales and far away

Sleep tight my child, I will never leave
I'll pray for your life of love and peace
Sleep tight my darling, the demons are gone
I banished them back to where they came from

I'll stay and watch your small face smile
My love, my life, my mind, my child

I Really Really Really

Want to watch Sweeney Todd! And I think I might just do that while having my dragons out with me!

Well last night was very fun! Was defintely what we needed!! Even the people around us found it entertaining just to watch us fool around with the cameras! Jess won hands down for the funniest face ever!

Well it just says it all really.

Only other thing to add is that Tom has hired a new bar maid at work. And he wants me to come in to teach her! Woop!!

Wednesday 21 May 2008


Look what I found!!! (click on the image for full size)

Thats year 7, and this is in year 10!!

Where in the hell did I go wrong??

Ok, lets do this!! Here's a load of other baby photos!! Get it done and dusted and out the way so that JASON HAS NOTHING ON MY ASS ON MY 21ST!!
Wow and thts to this present day... This is more like a bloody time line than anything else. Can't do anything right can I!

Tuesday 20 May 2008

Sweeney Todd + Dragons

Well where do I start.

My dragons - Barker is ill. The black crickets I bought last time have given him an upset tummy. He crapped on my hand yesterday morning. Dear god it was worse than changing a baby's nappy at the worst of times! I haven't had him out since just incase. He's quite constipated due to the crickets being a little too big for him. Tomorrow he should be all clear but I'm still concerned as he's spent nearly all of the day under the heat lamp which suggests he's having trouble digesting. Mrs Lovett is showing signs that she may very well be - a He! There are bumps under the back legs which look suspiciously like the scent pores on a male. I'm not 100% sure but I'm pretty damn close. Barker is still too young to tell. Give it another couple of weeks and both of them may very well be sexed. In other words, I'll know the gender. Not them mating. They don't mate until they're 2 years old. Yes I've done my research.

Sweeney Todd - Best film ever!! Actually made me cry today as I had to watch everything involving Johanna which I normally skip cos I just wanna see and sing to the good songs! I have also decided that for Halloween this year, I will be dressing up as Mrs Lovett. Costume, hair and make up too. I'm going the whole way! Whats even better is that it's a Friday night so I will more than likely be working! Also to add to the costume, I will have a fake razor down my corset. Hehe! I have already started looking for some costumes tho I think I will have to resort to a victorian style dress from the Antiques (antics) in New Milton. I'm also getting Jess to do my hair in the exact same style and hopefully get Jason to do my make up, or at least give me some stuff that will do what I need! I'm already looking forward to it!

Tattoo - I've managed to do my final design however it's not quite finished. The twined tail needs to be longer as Rob marked where my trousers were and not where the bottom of my spine is (silly man! Love you really =D ) so I'm going to change that on Friday before I go to work that night. Next I will be sending it to Jason, he will be air brushing it onto my back to make sure that everything is right and to do any more adjustments to it as needed. Finally it will then be sent to the tattooist - The Illustrated Man. He is the only guy who can do gradient art work as he is an artist himself! And because he and my godfather are good friends, he will more than likely do this for me! It's going to cost approx £600 (due to gradient work) and maybe more if I add colour (may do inside the heart). May take approx 10 hours of work, requiring 2 sessions (of 5 hours or more) so basically be there for 2 days. It's going to be fooking amazing when I get it done!! Really can't wait!

However, on that note, I'm wondering if I'm taking on too much at once. Money wise. I need to save up for this holiday in September. I need to put money in the bank and on top of that I still need to pay my mum. And amongst all that, I need money to look after my dragons, I want to save money for my tattoo, save for this holiday, save for mine and Jess's 21st holiday/birthday bash, can I really do it? I get paid £180 odd a week for 34 hours. £20 goes to tax and £100 goes to my mum. If I don't pay the £100 then I have to pay at least £30 for rent but there's only so many payments I can miss. £10 of whats left goes towards my dragons. £20 a month for credit. £10 on my card and what does that leave me? Approx £20 a week is left for me! £40 if I don't have to top up. So still leaves me with £20 to put away 3 out of 4 weeks of the month. And where does that go? Well I don't know. I want to put it away for my tattoo. But my priorities is for the holiday first.

And here in lies the arguement within my head. . .

My tattoo is more important to me (as much as I hate to say it but I know its true, I'm not going to lie about it).
The holiday is on a fixed date (so I can't push it back or anything where as I can the tattoo)
It's with Rob!! (the holiday that is - so it's going to be amazing!)
My tattoo is a part of me and the sooner I get it the better

This is where it just keeps going round in bloody circles! By rights the holiday wins as its a fixed date and can't be pushed back where as my tattoo can be done whenever. If I could get the tattoo done for free tomorrow and get it done right then I'd miss work for it! I wouldn't care, I'd do it! I'd do anything to get it done! But I must stick to my priorities.

And finally, onto the best events of my psychotic and neurotic life! My other half - Rob! I am so incredibly happy in my life because of him. I have a best mate, she has a boyfriend who I get along with really well, I'm on good terms with my parents, I have my own pets who I love and adore (according to my zodiac, I love my pets more than I do family members!), I have a job I love and the only thing that was missing was someone who loved me and treated me right. That was until he came along! My heart was missing a hole and he's filled it up nicely. Infact my life is currently over flowing with happiness and nothing can bring me down. I've never had so much going for me at any one time. Every morning I awake with a smile and wonder what the day holds for me and what is going to make me laugh the most. My nicknames at work are the following: Angel, Smiler, Gorgeous, Princess, Drummer Girl. That last one makes me smile the most. For obvious reasons! And for some reason, Mr Earwicker (a regular and an old man who my mum knows!) seems to think my name is Louise. I've corrected him before but it doesn't seem to stick so I haven't bothered anymore!

Anyway, I could go on about how awesome my life is but I fear some people may get a little bit envious! And start pranking me just to bring some sort of annoyance to my day (hahahahahahaha!! You foolish girl. I know who you are Fraggle. Or should I call you - Becks Alsford. Busted much? HAHA!) And to leave with a smile, I've posted the most funniest photo, I have seen for days! I'm sorry Jess, it just had to be done!!
And just so you dont get all huffy and annoyed with me I will post a stupid one of both of us so we're even!
And on that disaster of a photo - I leave you with todays anecdote of insanity. And oh what pure insanity it is!

Written while listening to:
3 Doors Down
The Subways

Monday 12 May 2008

If Only

It's all so good. Life is so great.

I don't know what to write. I guess the only reason I'm writing anyway is out of habit.

I have nothing to moan about, to complain about, nothing worrying me, making me nervous, nothing drowning me.

My life . . .

is perfect!

I have everything I need. I have the love of my life. I have the best friends I could ever ask for. I have a family supporting me all the way.

I am at peace with everything and everyone. This is how I've always dreamed my life.

So right.

Total Bliss

Saturday 10 May 2008

Another Statement;; Another Day Dream

Just what in the hell are you trying to do?

You think calling me in morning hours is going to deter me? You think phoning my parents is going to deter them? They know him better than you do! I don't think you even know him at all, I think you just don't want me to be happy!

Well guess what? Your interference made us stronger. Made me and my parents stronger. You've made my parents actually like him and they've given me their blessing with him!! So I thank you.

Onto other notes.

All this happiness in my life is something I am not used to. With every relationship I've had, there has always been some insecurities. Granted I know I need to lose weight but I'm not overly concerned that my weight is going to put him off. So long as I don't get bigger that is. My mother says it's because I'm maturing. I'm becoming wiser. And the fact that he is also mature and older, means he's more responsible for his actions, more wiser with his decisions and I think this is an aspect my parents love!

However, my care free attitude at the moment is some what scary for myself. I do not want to become swallowed in this vortex of dreams and think that nothing is and never will be - wrong. I may end up over looking something and then have it all blow up in my face. So despite how much my heart and soul wish to jump 5 metres up into the air and shout and scream with joy, I will keep it quiet (a little) and remain calm (as much as possible).

Work is going exceedinly well. At least I think so anyway. I love my job and the people I work with, staff and customers. I hope I make them proud. I guess I'm a little nervous and in myself I feel like I'm constantly shy but somehow I manage to hold myself well and no one seems to notice that I'm even shy at all!

My dragons are now about 2 months old. I had them out of the tank for about an hour, half hour in the morning, half hour after feeding. Lovett was even sat on my lap while I stroked her and she was quite happy sat there.

Right I must leave it at that, I am due at work in an hour and I've yet to get in the shower and changed and ready. Sometimes I hate make up, other times, I love it. Love hate relationship!

Written while listening to: The Subways - Girls & Boys

Thursday 8 May 2008

A quick note as I'm due at work in 20 minutes.

Everything is going - amazingly well!!

My parents are warming up to him, everyone else loves him too and think we make a cute couple.

Well, take a look for yourself.

We had a photoshoot and all the photos that came out were incredible. I want to show the world. I'm so proud and so happy!

Friday 2 May 2008

Goth Night!

Tonight! Sound Circus! Bournemouth!

I'm going, Rob's coming (woooo!), Megs, Njal, My godfather and a mate of his are all coming! It's going to be so amazing!

I've had the night booked off work and it's been accepted even though its the start of the Bank Holiday weekend. It's going to be awesome!! Expect pictures galore!! The best thing about it is that my godfather will be able to meet Rob! I'm really looking forward to them meeting and hope that Jason approves.

Anyway, keep it short and sweet, I need to experiment with make up ready for tonight!!