Friday 23 May 2008

I Hate All You Preachy MotherFuckers!!

Especially Jehovah's Witnesses.

God they do my head in.

You know, I have respect for religion. At school I was quite intrigued by the Jews and their laws and whatnot. Same as Budhism and Islaam. Couldn't stand the Muslims though.

Anyway, yes I respect your views and beliefs. Yes by all means do as you see fit which complies with your rules. BUT DO NOT I repeat DO NOT preach your crap to me expecting me to bow down to it!! I HATE being told what to do by someone who is NOT in the position nor have the RIGHT to tell me what to do with my life!!

He is YOUR God.
They are YOUR beliefs.
YOU burn in hell!!

I ESPECIALLY hate those fuckers in America who use emotional blackmail or some other form of abuse or kidnapping, just to get people to convert to their side!! YOU PEOPLE MAKE ME WANT TO GO ON A KILLING SPREE!!!

And here's the latest PISS OFF.

Holy fuck.
Biggest clash of religions and human rights or what!

Ok, my whole family as had some experience in this. An aunt of mine had one when she was younger due to rape. My cousin tried to terminate it HERSELF by having a hot bath and drinking and taking meds. She ended up in hospital in ICU because she was too afraid of "failing" her family. She's alright now. My mum had one, there's supposed to be a third between me and my brother but due to health complications it had to be terminated else my mum would've died.

None of them really wanted to but HAD to.

Then there's me. It's a long story as to how and why. I won't go into it on here. If you really want to know, you can ask me yourself. I'm quite comfortable talking about it.

Anyway, those who know my past and what I'm like, know that it just takes two words to really break me down into small little pieces which then unleashes some mad blood-lusting maniac.

A Jehovah's Witness came to call. No one was home but me so I answered (unaware of who it was!). First thing she talks to me about is abortion and how it was murder for the young foetuses who can still feel pain. I didn't actually hear anymore. My face had filled with angry blood and I slammed the door and collapsed on the floor infront of my dragons.

And I cried.

For a whole hour. Non stop. And I had no one to hold, no one to tell, no one. Jess was at work. Jamie is working. And I didn't want to bother Rob about it. To be honest I'm not sure if he knows or not. I'm hoping he knows how lucky he is that she is at least still alive.

Anyway, after my breakdown, I went out in the garden and used my sai's, my normal stress relief and then I turned to my dragons for some cuddles. And they did, they sat with me for half hour without moving. Then I fed them some crickets as a "thank you".

My message to anyone else who wants to preach to me:
Fuck off.
I'm not interested.
I have my own beliefs. I have my own views.
Save it for someone who cares.
This bitch has her own mind made up.


Hush my child, don't you cry
You want to go where Angels fly
Hush my darling, stop those tears
I'm here to scare away your fears

Be quiet my child and go to sleep
Try to stay in the world of dreams
Be quiet my darling I'm here with you
Even if daddy never wanted to

Lay still my child and close your eyes
In the dark will dance your fairy lights
Lay still my darling and dream of a place
Like those in fairy tales and far away

Sleep tight my child, I will never leave
I'll pray for your life of love and peace
Sleep tight my darling, the demons are gone
I banished them back to where they came from

I'll stay and watch your small face smile
My love, my life, my mind, my child

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