Friday 28 September 2007

A New Life

Well, it's been nearly a month since I moved in. I'm now signed up for Job Seekers Allowance as my plan to get a job within a few weeks didn't work.

After looking after my brother for a week, my parents took my car away. I wanted to leave it at home so I didn't have to pay £7 a day to park it over here and they said that if I kept it there, I'd have to sign it over to my dad. So I agreed. Why? Cos then he'd pay for the repairs, get the panel fixed and then do all the insides of it. I'll still have to pay him back when I want the car but by the time I have the money to do that, I'd also have enough money to take motorbike lessons and get myself a bike and insurance for it. So, which one? My car or a new bike?? I like the bike idea myself. Have always wanted one!

So a month in and we haven't torn each other apart. A good sign! I was quite worried he'd get fed up of me but he hasn't and I haven't got fed up of him! Yay!

Well I don't really have much to say. I've spent the past month pretty much sat on my butt due to there not being a lot to do. Despite bein in the middle of town, there's not much to do when you don't know many people. However, I do want a job! For the money and to kill time and to get New Rocks!! Wooooo!! I want New Rocks!!

Anywho, another update soon!!

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