Monday 30 April 2007

Better, It's Getting There

[[Don't tell me it stops here;;]]

Well, last weekend was a lot better than what it has been in the past. Tom didn't come round on Saturday, which was good because we got to spend some quality time together. I know I was round Sunday too but it was just good to have a weekend to ourselves for once. I don't hate Tom, he's great fun! But it's just nice to have a quiet weekend every once in a while. Jonny actually treated me like his girlfriend instead of just a close friend who gets a kiss on the cheek every so often or a slap on the ass. Anyway, yes things are better. On Saturday, I did go to get my tattoo done however they were booked up SO I've been booked in for this Friday at 3 to get it done. I was with Jonny's mum at the time and we went shopping too but I'll be on my own on Friday! Yes Jonny still won't go with me. However I think the reason being is that he just doesn't like tattoo parlours or something. His parents said about a job going to be a tattooists assisstant. He wouldn't even go in there to talk to someone about it so I think he just doesn't like the place. Anyway, all weekend he was really close to me, sweet and romantic like he was when we first met. And he has a new name for me, Piglet. Yea I know it sounds stupid but its better than Pig! And its cos of how I eat despite the fact he eats more than me.

I bought 9 games on Sunday. Eye Toy Play 3 [Yes Tom, Eye Toy! And it's brilliant!], Jonny and I played it and it was so much fun! Also got Larry's Leisure Suite Uncut thing, oh my god its so funny! Teddy with a Strap-on! Thats all I'm going to say on that one! Jonny got a street football game or something, its good but I just can't remember the damned name, also got Outlaw Tennis [very hard!], Devil May Cry 3 Special Edition [Oh Yes! It's not just on PS3 you greedy bastards!], Stuntman, Eye Toy Groove, another game for Eye Toy and one more game can't remember the name of.

Well at the moment, Jonny is down the pub with Chris and Zinzi, I'm slightly anxious/nervous/jealous or something, I can't put a name on this feeling but its not good either way, just because he's down the pub! I think it's cos he never goes down there if I'm with him. He won't take me down there anymore. I haven't really had the guts to ask him why yet.

I have an assessment on Thrusday! Long fucking last. It's taken my college 7 months to realise that I'd changed placements. Now i'm having my first assessment all over again. I'm supposed to finish end of May and I haven't even got anything ticked off on any of my papers! Nice!

Well, thats all for now. Take care.

[[ Dream as tho;; you'll live forever]]
[[ Live as tho;; you'll die tomorrow]]

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