Sunday 8 April 2007

Pain, I Hate Pain

Well, the past week has been eventful!

Last Friday, got drunk, went out, slipped on wet pavement and fell straight on my back! Tore muscles across my chest from where all the muscles in my back clenched up and ended up ripping those at the front!

Monday, fell at work. Ended up on the floor in pain after landing on my back AGAIN! Ended up going to hospital because I just could not move!

Last night, Jonny, Tom and me got drunk. Well, Tom was tipsy, I was on the border line of tipsy and nothing and Jonny was completely off his face. We went out, Jonny wanted to start on people, he ended up getting punched in the face by a taxi driver because while Jonny was crossing on a zebra crossing, he decided to swear at the taxi driver cos he's not allowed to go. The stupid taxi driver revved his engine then as he went past, Jonny hit the window. The taxi driver stopped and started on him! Jonny just took it, the only reason he was on the floor is cos he tripped on the bollard behind him. Jonny did end up throwing up that night. Me and Tom were basically looking after him as he passed out numerous times. He threw up in bed too and after that he was rather edgy with me, maybe thinking that I was disgusted by him. Which I'm not! I mean come on, I work with children here! I have to change nappies, crap in their pants if their potty training and those who are sick! Its nothing new to me. I'm not judging him by that, I still love him and I still wanna be close to him even afterwards.

Anyway, this morning was slightly awkward. My chest is in immense pain. While trying to stop Jonny and the taxi driver fighting, I got elbowed in the chest and it seems to have torn more ligaments as I now cannot even drive without being in pain. This pain also seems to be around the right side of my chest and any heavy lifting, even a can of coke or something with my right hand sends a shooting pain through into my chest. I cannot even sleep on my right shoulder due to the pain. My back isn't doing much better. I have to ask Jonny to stretch it for me every so often. And a little something I learnt yesterday is not to ask him while he's drinking. He lifted me up, my back went crack, he then dropped me and then immediately stretched me over his arm! Bending me backwards! He didn't even do it slowly and I think that added to the damage in my chest too. While sat here, there is an ache in my chest and a pain in the top of my spine. I can see this is going to need a bit more medical attention than I thought.

I'm only home for sunday lunch. Then i'm going back to Southampton til tuesday night. I have a 5 day weekend and I intend to use it well! I think mum is pleased with the fact that I looked at her work rota and made a note that Sunday was the only day she had off and was working every other day. She thought I would stay out for all 5 days but after saying I'd be home just because she was, sort of made her smile, that I do think of her!

I think that is enough of my ramblings. For the sheer fact that I need to take something for this damned pain. I'm not drinking tonight, and probably not tomoro night either. I've had enough alcohol to last me the month. Tom and Jonny thought I was drunk yesterday however I was far from it due to eating right before I started to drink. Good move I thought.

Well, pleasant screams...

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